Duration 7:22

لمن ترغب في الحمل بسرعة وسهولة، إليك أهم (٥) نصائح لحمل أسرع في (٢٠١٩) Easy pregnancy Egypt

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16 K
Published 19 Jan 2019

كثير من السيدات #ترغبـفيـالحملـبسرعة، اليك أهم (٥) نصيحة لحمل أسرع في (٢٠١٩). في الفيديوا المهم ده، انا هاشرح أهم #خمسـنصايح ذهبية لحدوث الحمل بسرعة. تتلخص النصايح في: ١- زيارة الطبيب للتأكد من عدم وجود مشاكل صحية. ٢- التخطيط لحمل أسرع ٣- حساب فترة الأباضة. ٤- تنظيم مواعيد الجماع. ٥ـ نصاائح للزوج. لمتابعة فيديوهاتنا: - أهم ١٠ أعراض وعلامات نقص فيتامين (د): /watch/0FTrcTQCKNUCr - تكيس المبايض، (أسبابها وأعراضها) وعلاجها نهائياً في (٢٠١٩): /watch/AAMektoGxgUGe - الفياجرا النسائية أو (الحباية البينك) ما لا تعلمه عنها في (٢٠١٩) /watch/Y_vy7BvPtF7Py - (١٠) علامات و أعراض تخبرك بأنك حامل قبل التحليل و (الدورة) بأسبوع في (٢٠١٩): /watch/YSQ3Z8Ee0hRe3 Follow me on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doctormohame ... Tweeter:@drmohamedelshr1 Instagram: drmohamed.elsherif.5 عيادة المنيل: ٨٧ ش المنيل للحجز : ٠١١١١٢٠١١٣٠-٠١٢٢٠١٤٣٢٢٢ Lots of women trying to conceive, but there are FIVE GOLDEN tips for every women planning to conceive. 1- See you Healthcare provider/ Doctor: Chances for getting pregnant increases when your body is up to it and thus, preconception checkup is important. 2- Plan For a Healthy Pregnancy: Begin Folic acid at least 3 months before you start trying to conceive. Stop unhealthy habits like; drinking, smoking, using drugs. and limit your caffeine intake to less than 200 mg per day. 3- Figure out when you ovulate: It is crucial to find out the ovulation timing in order to increase the chances to conceive. it is recommended to start timing the intercourse around the time of your ovulation. If you have irregular cycles, it is important to seek medical advice to pinpoint the causes and start treating it. 4- Have sex at right time: Usually 2-3 days around your ovulation timing. this is called the fertilization window. If you are not sure about your fertilization period, then have intercourse every other day in the mid two weeks of your cycle. It is important also to know that Vaginal lubricants can slow down the sperm and alter your pregnancy chances. 5- Give sperm a boost: It is important to know that strong and healthy sperm have the best chances of fertilizing an egg. so, your partner can help that by: Skip tobacco and recreational drugs. limit alcoholic drinks to no more than 3 per day. get health weight if significantly overweight. get enough of Certain Key nutrients- like sink, folic acid and vitamin C. Avoid Hot baths and Saunas. After following those Golden tips, the common question , how long shall you wait? It all depends upon your age, If you are younger than 35 years, then it is OK to wait up to 12 months. If you are older than 35 years, then you can wait for 6 months before you see fertility expert. Best wishes for all women #TO_GET_PREGNANT_FAST. Dr. Mohamed Elsherif, MD,MRCOG Consultant of OB/GYN Follow me On: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doctormohamedelsherif Tweeter: @drmohamedelsher1 Instagram: drmohamed.elsherif.5


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