Duration 3:17


2 790 watched
Published 20 Jan 2019

Yes, another MAP, and yes my last one is still unfinished. All the parts are taken I'm just waiting on people to finish them. I went through a pretty brutal breakup about a month ago, and I've been too depressed to work on anything, but this song carried me through and I'm doing much better now. I would love to complete this, it's an amazing song. I won't be very picky on anything honestly I just want this to be finished. EDIT 3/19/2019- FINAL DUE DATE is APRIL 1, 2019!!! We’re almost done people so let’s get these last parts in and make this MAP Complete!! EDIT 2/28/2019- i’ve given everyone a fair warning of the deadline, and i want this MAP done so if you haven’t talked to me about needing an extension don’t complain if you lose your part if i don’t hear from you. EDIT 3/3/2019- For those of you with extensions I’m giving you around 2 weeks to get your parts finished and get them to me. If I don’t even see a WIP after 2 weeks you will probably lose your part unless you talk to me about needing more time. EDIT 3/7/2019- I’m only waiting on 9 people to finish up their part(s) and then this MAP will be completed! I’m so super excited about it, and I’m really happy with all of the parts I have received so far. Remember everyone with an extension you have one week left to at least show me you’re progressively working on your part. RULES: 1. ABSOLUTELY NO TRACING! It is such a pet peeve of mine. You can reference off of other peoples art but if you trace you will be kicked, I don't tolerate it. 2. No fighting over parts, if I don't respond to your request it just means you need more time to improve your art before you join a MAP. 3. DARK BACKGROUND- preferably something black or deep blue, this is supposed to be a sadder MAP so I don't want to see neon colors. 3 1/2. FULL SCREEN. i cannot stress how important this is. 4. PMV and AMV are both accepted but please use your OC unless you have permission from someone else to use theirs. 5. I want more than just two frames per part. you don't have to animate your part but please don't make me ask you to redo your part because its two pictures for a 7 second part. 6. Don't add your name, I will credit all of the parts when I edit the video together. 6 1/2. If you have the intro please include all the names of the animators who are in the project as well as the name of the MAP but I do want art in it so don’t just make it words with a colored background. 7. If you have trouble editing your audio don't be afraid to ask me for help, I would rather do it for you than for you to have it timed wrong. 8. Each person can have up to 3 parts! 9. HAVE FUN! Please stick with the main theme of the song! Say jellybeans in the comments with the part(s) you want so I know you read and understood the rules. DUE DATE: March 1, 2019 Extension Due Date: March 14, 2019 FINAL DUE DATE: April 1, 2019 PARTS: Intro: BurritoSam ✅ 1. agent taylor from project EVERYTHING ✅ 2. agent taylor from project EVERYTHING ✅ 3. ChaosXWolf ✅ 4. BurritoSam ✅ 5. Angry_ Dog ✅ 6. Angry_ Dog ✅ 7. Angry_ Dog ✅ 8. ChaosXWolf ✅ 9. Storm and Company SK✅ 10. 4 Firecat ✅ 11. KaizerZer0 ✅ 12. mine✅ 13. Dimension Jumper ✅ 14. Bluewolf gardea ✅ 15. AlphaWolfe ✅ 16. Artixi ✅ 17. HowlingDemon13 ✅ 18. HowlingDemon13 ✅ 19. HowlingDemon13 ✅ 20. Nightlurker the dragon of Oyfum ✅ 21. Evama Animation ✅ 22. CanadianLolWolf 22 ✅ 23. CanadianLolWolf 22 ✅ 24. JJ chocolate :3 ✅ 25. pizzadoqq ✅ 26. Charlotte ✅ 27. Charlotte ✅ 28. mine ✅ 29. Thunder Horse ✅ 30. Thunder Horse ✅ 31. pizzadoqq ✅ 32. SnakeO ✅ 33. SkarletShadows ✅ Outro. SkarletShadows ✅ Backups: Laurine Star Thank you all for over 2,600 subscribers! I never expected to have anywhere near this amount of you, but you all mean the world to me! Bye for now :) Song- True Colors /watch/0qeR44TxC-YxR Artist- Slaves


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